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Dog safety on the 4th of July is something not every pet owner thinks about, especially if you have a new pup. Yes, we all know that some dogs don’t like loud noises, but did you know that July 4th is the number one day of the year for lost pets. Alongside, July 5th is one of the busiest days of the year for shelters and rescues. We have compiled a list of some common and not-so-common ways to keep your pets safe this holiday. 
Pet Exercise
Take your pup for a run, a few walks throughout the day, or go to a dog park. Try to exert any extra energy your dog may have due to heightened senses and fears towards the end of the night. Let them play in the sprinkler, fetch, or play in a doggy pool to keep them hydrated and happy as well.
Distraction Helps
Always leave your dog something fun to do – like a frozen Kong, puzzle, or Lickmat filled with his favorite treats. Try using sensory enrichment to calm dogs. Sound therapy with relaxing, calm music. Amazon has many options of sound machines, turning on the television loudly, or recording your voice to reiterate their safety. Scents can be an all-natural way of helping your dog. Try some calming mists or sprays. Lastly, there are anxiety wraps, thundershirts, or weighted vests/blankets that may assist in calming fears.
Stay Inside recommends keeping your dogs inside during fireworks, preferably with human companionship. If it’s hot, air conditioning will help. Bringing your dogs to a fireworks display is never a good idea. Remember their senses are way more heightened than yours or mine. Ensure your pup can’t get out a doggie door, screen door, or unlatch a door handle to get out on their own while you are enjoying the show in the sky. A crate is always a great idea to keep them safe (if they are used to one). Provide them a safe space to retreat when they feel scared. Lastly, closing blinds, windows, and curtains when possible also lowers visual stimulation.
Take a recent picture of your canine, just in case they do get lost over the holiday. Make sure all of your dogs are wearing ID tags with properly fitting collars. Pet’s should always have collars with personal identification information that is easy to read and not worn off. The AKC recommends making sure your dog is microchipped and has a GPS device. As my mom always said, “It’s better safe than sorry.” 
Food Safety
Not only should we be concerned if our pets eat certain table foods, but also the dangers of chips bags. The Center for Pet Safety explains the risks and concerns about keeping pets safe around hooman food items. "At the barbecue, chips are inevitable. According to Bonnie Harlan of Prevent Pet Suffocation, chip bags are the #1 cause of pet suffocation.  
1. Don’t leave open chip bags lying around unattended. 
2. Cut the bottom off of the empty chip bag before disposing.
3. Secure all trash and food containers away from prying paws.  Find a way to lock or secure your trash can."
Please, beware of the safety issues and concerns with pet suffocation during holiday get-togethers.
Have a wonderful weekends with FURiends and FURfamily! We hope you and your pets stay safe and enjoy all of the festivities! Happy 4th of July Farm to Pet lovers!    
Treat you Magnificent Mutts next week!