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Hi there, I’m Cassidy! My boyfriend Keegan and I brought our puppy, Brooks, home to Chicago in April of 2021. You can follow along on all of his adventures on Instagram @lildoodbrooks. He quickly adjusted to being a big city pup and welcomed the hustle & bustle with open arms. Or should I say…paws. 
Brooks Farm to Pet Turkey Chips
One of our favorite parts of living in Chicago is how dog friendly it is. We enjoy checking out local dog-friendly restaurants, patios, and pet supply stores. One of our favorite spots is Barks N’ Rec – a locally owned, neighborhood pet supply store with a focus on an active, natural and healthy lifestyle for you and your pet. When we found out the owners of Barks N’ Rec were opening up a new dog daycare we were eager to check it out. 
Barks N Rec Logo
We visited the new facility during a vendor fair which welcomed local, small business owners to showcase their products and services. That’s when we met Jackson, co-founder of Farm to Pet, and learned all about Farm to Pet’s incredible mission and vision for the brand. We had always been intrigued by Farm to Pet as they are based in Chicago. What appealed to us the most is that their all-natural, single ingredient chips are one-of-a-kind. That’s right! The only ingredient is chicken which is sourced from family-owned farms in Iowa where they are always humanely raised. Keegan and I were instantly hooked on the brand and the Farm to Pet story. The only thing left to do was a taste test – and let me tell you, Brooks could not wait. Long story short, he was obsessed! And the rest is history! It was a no-brainer to purchase a couple of bags on the spot. We love supporting local businesses and can’t wait to watch Farm to Pet grow over the next few years. 
Brooks Farm to Pet
Farm to Pet Chicken Chips (and now Turkey Chips, too!) are a staple in our household and we use them during our daily training sessions. They are easy to break into smaller pieces which is a huge perk of using them while training. They are considered a high value treat for Brooks and it shows. He is highly motivated and “locked in” when he knows his reward is Farm to Pet.
Some of our daily commands include:
High Five
Have you tried Farm to Pet chips yet? If not, you won’t regret it! I am certain your pooch will love them. Don’t be a stranger – let us know what you think of them on Instagram!
Treat you perfect puppers next week!