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Dog Training 101: How Healthy Pet Treats Make Training Easier

Written by: Michelle Toma Olson



Time to read 8 min

Bringing home a new fur friend is such an exciting time. After all, a pup is an instant part of the family, bringing joy and companionship beyond measure! But with all that love and joy comes an equal amount of messes, late nights and hard work! The single best way to ease the adjustmentto a new four-legged addition to the family, whether a puppy or a senior dog, can be summed up in two words: dog training.

Boundaries, rules and acceptable behavior not only make human-canine coexistence as happy and stress-free as possible, they also strengthen the bond between fur baby and pet parent, establishing you as the leader of the pack and beloved source of security. And while it may seem daunting, DIY dog training can be done! Read on for helpful tips on how to make training your dog achievable and enjoyable, including dog training basics, common dog training scenarios, and the importance of positive ā€“ and nutritious! ā€“ reinforcement in the form of Farm to Pet Chicken or Turkey Chips for Dogs , the best dog and puppy training treat around!


Regardless of how you approach the dog training process, there are a few basic principles that we simply must embrace to have the best possible outcome, namely:

  • Consistency and patience are key to dog training.Ā The most important thing to know about training your dog is that itā€™s not going to happen overnight, even if she is super smart. In fact, some highly intelligent dogs can even be harder to train since they want to dominate you rather than the other way around! Once you decide to embark on a dog training journey ā€“ pun intended! ā€“ youā€™ll need to commit to staying consistent, keeping a cool demeanor, and teaching him commands over and over until he can do them reliably on cue. Even after you hit this milestone, youā€™ll probably be doing some ā€œmaintenanceā€ training for the rest of her life! Thatā€™s why youā€™ll need an ample supply of both consistency and patience when training to ensure that the lessons sink in without any fear or other negative connotations attached.
  • Time your dog training sessions right.Ā Dogs are creatures of habit. Just like children, getting dogs used to a schedule in general ā€“ for sleeping, eating, walking, even playing ā€“ makes everyoneā€™s life easier and provides a sense of security. Set your pup up for success by not scheduling training sessions when heā€™s tired or hungry or stressed. Similarly, train around the activity youā€™re training ā€“ such as potty training at potty time, and leash training at walk time, so your dog associates the routine with the activity and comes to expect to perform that activity at that time.
  • Find something your dog loves ā€“ and reward her with it!Ā Positive reinforcement is one of the most effective and popular tactics for dog training, and for good reason! Most dogs are highly motivated by rewards such as food, toys, and of course, their pet parentsā€™ approval, thus dogs in training tend to do best when their good behaviors are positively reinforced. Healthy, low-calorie, low-fat dog treats like ours at Farm to Pet are especially good dog training tools since they are quick for pups to enjoy without disrupting the training session. Itā€™s best to reward your pup immediately after doing a good job ā€“ after all, dogs donā€™t have very long memories! The sooner you give her a reward, the quicker sheā€™ll realize what good behaviors trigger the positive reinforcement.
  • Get the whole pack ā€“ aka family! ā€“ on board.Ā When it comes to teaching dogs how to properly behave at home, consistency from everyone in the house is critical. Make sure that your entire household knows and supports the dog training goals. For example, if youā€™re training your dog not to jump onto the couch or beg at the dinner table, everyone must stay consistent with these rules and enforce them. Otherwise, your doggo will get confused, or worse, try to push boundaries and abandon obedience altogether. We definitely donā€™t want to undo all the good of training youā€™ve done up to that point!Ā 
Doodle training at home to sit and stay with Farm to Pet Turkey Chips.


Command training a black dog with Farm to Pet Chicken Chips with mom outside near a lake.

When we think of dog training, itā€™s likely that the basic commands like sit, stay, come, and down that come to mind first. Training a dog to follow commands is integral to overall behavioral training as well as simply keeping your dog under control at the vet or dog park. It can even be life-saving: training your dog to come on command can get him out of harmā€™s way before reaching a busy intersection or other potentially dangerous circumstance.

Command dog training is also one of the best times to use the positive reinforcement of a tasty, healthy dog training treat like Farm to Pet treats. Not only can dog training treats be used as a lure, but they can also be used as a reward that instantly connects the desired behavior to the positive outcome. For example, here are simple steps for how to train your dog to sit using treats as a lure:

  • Start with your dog in a standing position.
  • Hold the dog training treat in one hand, then position it in front of his nose.
  • Say ā€œsitā€ then slowly move the treat backward over his head. As you do this, heā€™ll likely follow the treat with his eyes and nose, eventually sitting down.
  • Once his bottom makes contact with the ground, give your dog the treat. At the same time, pair the treat with verbal praise that reinforces the command. Namely, ā€œgood sit!ā€
  • Repeat the process in short, frequent training sessions until he sits immediately upon seeing the treat and hearing the ā€œsitā€ command.
  • As he starts reliably sitting upon hearing the command, begin spacing out the dog training treats ā€“ for example, start giving him the treat only after the second or third time he performs it, continuing with the verbal praise all the way through.

Training your dog to do other basic commands can also work well with the ā€œluringā€ method. In fact, you can teach your dog lie down, shake or even roll over by following these basic steps. For example, to teach your dog ā€œdown,ā€ just bring the treat from her nose down to the ground between her front paws, adding ā€œgood down!ā€ when giving the treat. As for ā€œcome,ā€ it is literally rewarding your doggo with a dog training treat every time he comes to your call ā€“ in fact, if he comes without calling, you can say ā€œcomeā€ as heā€™s on his way to make the connection! So keep those treats in your pocket or at the ready when youā€™re training, and be sure to always include the verbal praise, too!

House-training your dog

Teaching your dog the appropriate place to potty is undoubtedly one of the most important objectives for any pet parent! While itā€™s best to start this or any training with a puppy, you can definitely housetrain an older dog with just a little extra consistency, patience and positive reinforcement. Hereā€™s how:

  • Start by taking your dog out to its designated ā€œbathroomā€ area very frequently (like once an hour). Give him several minutes to sniff around and go if he needs to, keeping quiet to avoid distracting them from the task at hand.
  • If she potties, reward her with both a treat and verbal praise like ā€œgood pottyā€ once sheā€™s done doing her business. In addition, if you see her showing signs that sheā€™s about to go (sniffing in circles, getting into a squatting position), interject your chosen command (such as ā€œgo pottyā€) so she associates going with a verbal cue.
  • After a while, youā€™ll get to know your dogā€™s bathroom schedule pretty well. Start taking him out at the times that he has gone before, like an hour after eating or right before a nap, continuing to use praise and positive reinforcement when he goes outside.
  • If an accident should happen inside, donā€™t punish your puppo, as this may associate the negative reaction with the act itself rather than the area used. Instead, clean the area thoroughly so that the scent doesnā€™t linger, and continue housetraining as normal.


Leashes are a very important tool, both in training and beyond. Getting your dog used to walking nicely with a leash prepares him for all those daily excursions around your neighborhood and keeps her out of trouble (like preventing her from running off when a cat unexpectedly darts across the road). Training a pup to walk nicely on a leash is a must for safety, not to mention it will save you from being dragged down the road every time you head out for a walk! Read on for our recommended strategy:

  • Start by slowly introducing your dog to her collar or harness, rewarding her for good behavior every time you can put it on without a struggle. Let her get used to the feeling in your house.
  • Once heā€™s feeling comfy, clip a leash on and start with short walks in a distraction-free zone, like the inside of your house or in a quiet backyard. Reward your dog every time he looks at you during these training sessions -- this will reinforce that his attention should be on you during a walk!
  • If she starts to pull, stop walking, and move forward again only when the pulling stops. This is also a form of positive reinforcement: if she walks nicely, she gets to keep going!
  • Once you master the short walks without your dog pulling, you can start going on longer and longer walks. Try up and down your street first, then around the block, then graduate to around the neighborhood and beyond!

If your dog tends to get distracted easily on these training walks, positive reinforcement with dog training treats can do wonders. Give him a tiny piece of a treat ā€“ like a broken piece of a Farm to Pet chicken chip ā€“ every time he looks at you to train him to keep his attention on you and not all of the distractions around him. If you see a distraction coming, you can also preemptively call her attention toward you and reward her with a high-value treat to keep her focus.


There are many other things our clever little fur babies can learn, simple or complex, from ā€œleave itā€ or ā€œdrop itā€ and staying off furniture to crate training, off-leash walking and even agility training! While the desired behaviors are different, the basic methodology is the same. Reward the positive behaviors with healthy dog treats, verbal affirmation and praise; and discourage negative behaviors by withholding treats and repeating cues until they are followed. And of course, be patient, calm and consistent at every turn ā€“ or roll over or shake!


While dog training is a long process and can seem daunting, the above tips and techniques will definitely help make it easier and less stressful for canine and human alike. And whether youā€™re command, potty, or agility training a puppy or a senior pooch, the number-one most effective technique is positive reinforcement, especially with high-value, healthy dog training treats like Farm to Pet all-natural, single-ingredient chicken and turkey chips and puppy packs! When you see the progress and results, the effort of dog training is absolutely worth it, not only because of pull-free walks, stress-free meals and stain-free carpets, but because of the deep bond it creates with your fur baby. With commitment, patience, praise, consistency ā€“ and plenty of tasty nutritious rewards! ā€“ dog training truly helps us make the most of our pet-human relationships, creating peace in the pack and providing tons of fun along the way. So keep calm, and dog train on!